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Parenting Adults – Trust, Truth & Trampolines

Family means the world to me and recently I have felt an even greater pull to advocate and champion on the family unit, especially when it includes adult children. I truly believe that communities will be richer when families are stronger. I feel compelled to encourage others to invest into the relationships that make up their own family. My hope is that as I share my story, other parents will be inspired to be better parents to their adult children. I invite you to explore family through my recent blog series, “Parenting Adults – Trust, Truth & Trampolines”.  - Rachel Glover

Can Trust Lead to Trustworthy Behaviour?
Rachel Glover Rachel Glover

Can Trust Lead to Trustworthy Behaviour?

In a conversation with one of my sons he revealed that young adults want parents to show that they trust them. To acknowledge that they will get some things right and to trust that when they get things wrong that they will learn for next time.

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Parenting Adults - Trust
Rachel Glover Rachel Glover

Parenting Adults - Trust

On the scale of risk, I sit at the far end where one feels safe. I don’t understand why some people love experiences like thrill rides. Why people voluntarily put themselves in situations where their senses feel anything but safe is beyond me. Don’t get me wrong, I do leave the house, have travelled to many locations around the world and have participated in a number of activities that didn’t feel safe at the time.

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